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Should I Be Concerned If I Have A Fever?

fever is always a sign that something isn’t quite right in your body, but it’s not always serious. Fever is typically a symptom of infection, and it’s one of the signs that your body is fighting a pathogen of some sort, like a virus or bacterial infection.

If you’re like most people these days, you may automatically wonder whether your fever indicates COVID-19, since it’s one of the primary symptoms of the virus. But don’t panic. Our medical team here at in Atlanta, Georgia are trained to help you understand your fever and other symptoms to get to the bottom of your illness.

Understanding fevers

When a foreign agent enters your body, such as a virus or a rusty nail, your immune system jumps into action producing white blood cells. The influx of these cells tells your brain to heat up your body.

The next response is to cool down so you don’t stay at a high temperature for too long. To accomplish this, your body slows down blood flow to your skin and muscles, which gives you the classic fever companions — chills and aches.

For adults, most fevers are short-lived and not life-threatening, but in a baby or toddler, it could be quite serious. Here are some guidelines to help you know when to seek medical attention for a fever.

  • Adults with a temperature of 103°F or higher 
  • 0-3 months: 100.4°F or higher
  • 3-24 months: 102°F or higher

Of course, if the fever is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, such as diarrhea, lethargy, or rash, seek immediate medical attention.

Fever and COVID-19

These days, if you get a fever, one of the main concerns is COVID-19, and rightly so. The highly contagious novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2 has caused a global pandemic and has claimed more than 2 million lives to date. However, just because fever is one of the COVID-19 symptoms doesn’t mean that all fevers indicate COVID-19.

The first thing to consider is whether or not you’ve been exposed to the virus in the last 2-14 days. If you have, then it’s important to get tested so you know whether or not you have the virus as well. If not or if you don’t know, then we move on to examining other symptoms.

A fever alone may or may not point to COVID-19, but in combination with other signs, the likelihood is greater. These signs include:

  • Body aches and shivers
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Lost of smell and/or taste

If you’re experiencing any or all of these symptoms along with your fever, come in for a COVID-19 test.

What to do if your fever is a COVID-19 symptom

If you come to see us at and discover you’re positive for COVID-19, don’t panic. Most people experience a mild form of the illness and can recover completely at home with a little self-care. Just as you would treat a cold or the flu, make sure you stay hydrated (fevers leech water from your system), and take over-the-counter pain relievers.

Stay away from other people in your household and wash your hands often. Monitor your symptoms and watch for signs of increasing severity, such as trouble breathing, a blue tinge to your face and lips, and chest pain. These are signs you should seek immediate medical assistance.

The first step in caring for yourself and those you love is to find out what’s causing the fever, so you know if you’re dealing with COVID-19 or something else, and can proceed with the proper treatment.

Accepting patients in the Metro Atlanta area. We offer quick, effecient testing, vaccinations and sick visits. Walk in or Drive Thru with no wait. Book your appointment online today!

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